Did you know Virginia has elections every year?
Learn where, when, and how you can vote
Voting should be as easy and accessible as possible for all eligible Virginians. One of our goals will be to educate the electorate about the many ways they can have their voices heard at the ballot box – from how to register, to how to vote from home, to where and when they can vote early or in-person in all elections in Virginia.
For voters, we will fight to oppose any unnecessary impediments to casting a ballot – including voter intimidation, coercion, or other forms of undue political influence. Likewise, for election administrators, we will work to ensure that vote-counting procedures are fair and secure, without any forms of manipulating the outcome with partisan or corrupt influences.
Below you’ll find several resources to lend a hand as you prepare to cast a vote.

Upcoming Elections
Virginia has elections every year. Make sure you know what will be on your ballot this time around. Check Vote411 for a full list.
Voter Registration
Learn how to register to vote or confirm your existing registration with the Virginia Department of Elections.
Casting Your Ballot
Early voting, absentee, mail-in ballots, in-person…there are several ways to vote. Learn about your options and make a plan!
Dates + Deadlines
Make sure you know the schedule for when to register and when to show up to vote. Check the calendar here.
Find a Drop Box
The League of Women Voters has a brand new tool to help you locate a nearby drop box for your ballot.
What to Bring
Do I need an ID to vote? What kind of ID? Do I need my voter registration card? All your questions are answered here.
New Districts
As of 2021, Virginia has all new legislative and congressional districts. Click here to enter your address to find out what your new districts are and what races affect you.
The latest at UpVote Virginia