Ranked Choice Voting ordinance passes in Charlottesville

Today, the Charlottesville City Council unanimously passed the first read of an ordinance that will establish Ranked Choice Voting as the election method for the June 2025 City Council primary elections. The second read will be placed on the consent agenda for the September meeting - in other words, it’s going to pass! We are thrilled that the City of Charlottesville has become the latest Virginia locality to embrace RCV. 

This accomplishment is the result of advocacy and educational outreach from a broad coalition of groups in the region, including Ranked Choice Virginia, Veterans for All Voters, SERV, Virginia Organizing, and the League of Women Voters. We especially want to recognize the tireless work of former Delegate Sally Hudson who has led on this issue for years and has successfully brought RCV to her home turf. 

We are excited to continue working with RCV advocates, elected officials, and voters across Charlottesville to make sure the 2025 City Council primary is a success and that RCV becomes a permanent fixture in the way the city elects its representatives.

Looking forward, our organization hopes that Charlottesville's example will set the stage for even more localities across Virginia to follow their lead.


Did we mention it’s our birthday?