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Fairfax county

In Fairfax County, the conversation about ranked choice voting (RCV) is building up steam! In fact, the Fairfax County Democratic Committee used RCV in May 2023 to nominate their candidate for School board. Using RCV for local elections rewards candidates who are able to build consensus and allows voters to more fully express their preferences.

Ranked choice voting is a better way to run local elections. Let’s make sure your Board of Supervisors members know that Fairfax voters want RCV!

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Tell the Board of Supervisors that RCV:

  • Ensures that a winner has support from the majority of voters.

  • Promotes candidates who build consensus and diminishes negative campaigning.

  • Is very popular and easy-to-understand in cities and states that use it.

  • Has a proven track record of being beneficial to people of color and women seeking public office.


GOVERNING BODY: Board of Supervisors


Fairfax County has an elected Board of Supervisors consisting of nine members elected by district, plus a chairman elected at-large. The law requires that districts be of approximately equal population and that the supervisors (other than the chairman) be residents and qualified voters of their districts and be elected only by voters living in those districts. All voters in the county may vote for the chairman. The Board elects the vice chairman annually from among its members at its first meeting in January.

Meet Your Supervisors