Feb. 13, 4pm - VIRTUAL EVENT: How Does RCV Work in a Multi-Winner Election?

Monday, Feb. 13, 4pm

Click here to RSVP and/or submit a question.

This event will be recorded and shared publicly, so even if you can’t watch live, you can still get your question answered!

Hosted by UpVote Virginia. Join Deb Otis, Director of Research at FairVote, for an overview of how ranked choice voting works in elections with more than one winner and an in-depth look at how that would look in some Virginia localities. Can't make it? You can still submit a question ahead of time - we'll do our best to get that question answered. The event will be recorded and made available to the public. Click here to join.

Click here to view the Facebook event and invite friends.


VIDEO: RCV in multi-winner elections webinar


Feb. 16, 6pm - IN-PERSON EVENT: RCV Roundtable