Fredericksburg Free Lance-Star LTE: Give ranked choice voting a chance

Nancy Collins | September 30

Give ranked choice voting a chance

Ranked choice voting is truly bipartisan, would modernize our elections and truly reflect the will of voters.

RCV increases voter participation and rewards candidates who promote civility and consensus.

Instead of choosing only one candidate, RCV allows voters to rank their order of preference: 1st, 2nd, 3rd, etc.

In races with more than two people on the ballot, this creates an instant runoff, with the lowest-ranked candidate being eliminated; voters who selected that candidate have their second choice votes counted.

The winner is ultimately declared when a candidate receives over 50% of the vote. A majority wins.

In recent years, RCV has gained momentum in states and localities across the country, including in Virginia, where both parties have embraced this reform. In 2021, RCV was used by the Arlington County Democratic Committee, and it was used by the Republican Party of Virginia in its statewide nominating elections.

RCV is supported by Congressman Don Beyer (D) and former Gov. George Allen (R). It does not benefit one party over another. It benefits voters.

In 2020, the VA General Assembly passed HB 1103, which gives cities and counties an option to adopt a RCV pilot program for local bodies like city councils or boards of supervisors.

Let’s give ranked choice voting a chance.

Nancy Collins



Will Arlington be the first to adopt RCV?


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